JavaScript forms the foundation of almost everything you see on the web. So, with web development on the rise in 2022 and it being the base of thousands of popular frameworks, it’s a good language to learn!

This is the ultimate beginner cheatsheet for Javascript. It’s a collection of useful snippets and tips to help you get started with Javascript.


1. Include JS code in a HTML page

<script type="text/javascript">

//JS code here


2. Call an external JS file

<script src="thematrix.js">

3. Include comments

// Single line comment
Multi line comment

Data types

1. Numbers

var age = 23

2. Variables

var x

3. Text strings

var x = "Hacker"

4. Operations

var sum = 1 + 9

5. True/False (Boolean)

var x = true

6. Constant Values

const x = 420

7. Objects

var name = {
  firstname: "Abhiraj",
  lastname: "Bhowmick"

Storing data

1. var

This is the most common way to store data. vars can be reassigned but can only be accessed inside a function.

Variables defined with var move to top when code is executed.

2. const

const values cannot be reassigned and are not accessible before they appear within the code.

3. let

let is similar to const but let variable can be re-assigned but not re-declared


1. Logical Operators

&& : logical and

|| : logical or

! : logical not

2. Arithmetic Operators

+ : Addition

- : Subtraction

* : Multiplication

** : Exponentiation (ES2016)

/ : Division

% : Modulus (Division Remainder)

++ : Increment

-- : Decrement

3. Comparison Operators

== : equal to

=== : equal value and equal type

!= : not equal

!== : not equal value or not equal type

> : greater than

< : less than

>= : greater than or equal to

<= : less than or equal to

? : ternary operator

4️. Bitwise Operators

& : AND

| : OR

~ : NOT

^ : XOR

<< : Left shift

>> : Right shift

>>> : Unsigned right shift

Array Functions

var fruit = ["Apple", "Berries"]
  1. concat() : Join several arrays into one

  2. indexof() : Returns the first position at which a given element appears in an array

  3. join() : Combine elements of an array into a single string and return the string

  4. lastindexof() : Gives the last position at which a given element appears in an array

  5. pop() : Removes the last element of an array

  6. push() : Add a new element at the end

  7. reverse() : This method reverses the order of the array elements.

  8. sort() : Sorts the array elements in a specified manner.

  9. toString() : Converts the array elements to a string.

  10. valueOf() : returns the relevant Number Object holding the value of the argument passed


Date object is used to get the year, month and day. It has methods to get and set day, month, year, hour, minute, and seconds.

getDate() // Returns the date from the date object

getDay() // Returns the day from the date object

getHours() // Returns the hours from the date object

getMinutes() // Returns the minutes from the date object

getSeconds() // Returns the seconds from the date object

getTime() // Returns the time from the date object

Input Device Events

Mouse Events

Any change in the state of an object is referred to as an Event. With the help of JS, you can handle events, i.e., how any specific HTML tag will work when the user does something.


element.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Fired when an element is clicked


element.addEventListener('contextmenu', () => {
// Fired when an element is right-clicked


element.addEventListener('dblclick', () => {
// Fired when an element is double-clicked


element.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
// Fired when an element is entered by the mouse arrow


element.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
// Fired when an element is exited by the mouse arrow


element.addEventListener('mousemove', () => {
// Fired when the mouse is moved inside the element

Keyboard Events


element.addEventListener('keydown', () => {
// Fired when the user is pressing a key on the keyboard


element.addEventListener('keypress', () => {
// Fired when the user presses the key on the keyboard


element.addEventListener('keyup', () => {
// Fired when the user releases a key on the keyboard

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