Kotlin: Multi-dimensional (2D, 3D, et...
This concise tutorial explains how to declare and initialize 2D, 3D, and other multidim...
Pagination in Android Room Database u...
The complete guide to paginating *just* a room database (without Network level paginati...
Adding Multiple Authors to a Jekyll B...
Jekyll doesn't support multiple authors out of the box. But we can add that functionali...
How to Create a Pull Request in GitHu...
Guide that teaches you how to fork a GitHub repository, make changes and create pull re...
8 No Brainer Ways to Keep Your Heroku...
Compilation of the easiest ways to keep your free Heroku dyno running 24/7.
Genics Log #1: Sponsorship from Beyon...
Here's the issue #1 in the Genics log series containing all the latest news and updates...
Next generation Hello World program
Done writing simple Hello World code? Give yourself a challenge by building this Next-g...
How to Add Swipe Animations to a Card...
Learn how to add swipe animation to a card view. In this tutorial, we will add a slidin...
How to Support Multiple Fonts in an A...
This article explains how to increase an android app's accessibility by providing users...
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